Head’s Blog: The Power of “Why Not?”

Posted: 17th October 2024

Some men see things as they are and ask, ‘Why?’ Others dream things that never were and ask, ‘Why not?’ – George Bernard Shaw

In life, we often find ourselves standing at the edge of new challenges, unsure whether to take the leap. Whether it’s a new experience, a potential change or an unfamiliar path, hesitation can creep in. That’s where the power of a simple question – “Why not? – can shift our mindset and push us towards personal growth.

With this concept in mind, we started the new academic year with a whole school focus on Risk Taking. Snappy the Crocodile, one of our growth mindset mascots, embraces this idea by encouraging everyone within the Edenhurst community to take a chance, have a go, trust yourself and push yourself.

Take a Chance

Taking risks is an essential part of personal and academic growth. However, many pupils (and adults) shy away from risk, afraid of failure or making mistakes. By asking “Why not?”, we can reframe that fear. Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, we start thinking about the possibilities: What could I gain from this experience by taking a chance? What could I learn?

At school, encouraging our pupils to ask “Why not?” allows them to embrace risks with curiosity instead of fear. Whether it’s trying a new sport, volunteering to lead an initiative  or participating in a challenging competition, the question creates space for growth and discovery. This way, the children learn that taking risks is all part of the learning process and it’s okay to stumble as long as they try.

Have a Go

Every new challenge, whether it’s academic or social, presents an opportunity for learning. When faced with something difficult, our first instinct is often to ask, “What if I can’t?” But by switching that to “Why not?”, pupils learn to approach challenges with a more open and positive mindset. They begin to see obstacles as puzzles to solve rather than walls to block their way and will dive in and have a go. Why not try a new strategy? Why not ask for help? This approach helps children develop resilience, teaching them that perseverance and creativity are key to overcoming challenges.

Trust Yourself

Change can be daunting, but it’s also inevitable. In a school setting, children constantly face changes, whether it’s adjusting to a new grade level, meeting new classmates or tackling more complex subjects. Asking “Why not?” in the face of change helps pupils adopt a more positive outlook.

When pupils trust themselves to ask “Why not?” about a new experience, they begin to see change as an opportunity for growth. Instead of worrying about what might be different, they start to think about how change can bring with it new friends, new skills and new adventures. It’s a way to build adaptability, a crucial life skill in an ever-changing world.

Push Yourself

One of the best ways to grow is to push yourself to try new experiences, but stepping out of a comfort zone can feel intimidating. The question “Why not?” serves as a reminder that new experiences bring new opportunities for excitement, learning and personal development. Whether it’s trying out for the school play, learning a new language or visiting a new place, the “Why not?” mindset encourages pupils to take that first step.

I’m pleased to report that the Edenhurst Edge has been shining brightly! Over the last six weeks our pupils have fully embraced and incorporated elements of risk-taking into their daily lives. From Reception class taking great delight in frightening me as they scramble up and hang down from the climbing frame to individual pupils boldly putting themselves forward to represent pupil voice by joining either the Eco or School Council, I have repeatedly been impressed by their “Why not?” approach to some rather daunting tasks.  The children have displayed sporting prowess both on the field and in the pool, getting involved in a range of fixtures and  ISA tournaments. They have welcomed new and exciting extra curricular clubs such as Junior Duke, coding and painting Warhammer figures. They have championed outdoor learning, not only by getting involved in our ‘Bring the Allotment back to School’ project but by throwing themselves into activity days at Conkers and Woodlands Adventure Centre. Even our teachers and parents have found themselves tangled up in the risk-taking spirit, bravely taking on the challenge of the  Potters ‘Arf Marathon, raising funds for Dougie Mac, a local charity that is very close to our hearts. 

So, over this school holiday, I would like to set the Edenhurst Community a challenge. Take a risk, ask yourself “Why not?” and push yourself to try something different. Shift the focus from what could go wrong to what could go right, after all, what’s the worst that can happen?

Wishing our families a safe, happy and well-deserved half-term break. I look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday 4th November and hearing all about your exciting new experiences!

Mrs Emma Mousley


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