Nursery’s Exciting Half-Term

Posted: 9th July 2024

We have had a very exciting half term in Nursery with lots of events to celebrate including the EYFS Sports Day for Explorers, Little Learners and Kindergarten, our very first Baby and Toddler Sports Day and an exciting ICT workshop with Mr Atkinson from Bellevue!

The weather was very kind at the EYFS Sports Day and we had a fantastic time running lots of different races! We had sprint races, hurdles races and bat and bean bag races. Even Mummies and Daddies had races which were very competitive!

Following Fathers Day, we then held our very first Baby and Toddler Sports Day and invited both Mummies and Daddies to attend. Races included a crawling race, a running race and a pushchair race! The Daddies race was very exciting as the children were carried by their Daddies and ran very fast! Even the staff took part in their own race!

Kindergarten and some Little Learners also took part in an exciting ICT workshop with Mr Atkinson from Bellevue who brought us some programmable Indi cars for us to play with. We had to learn that the green mat made them go and the red mat made them stop. And the purple mat made them spin round and round! We worked in pairs and had to work together to create our own worm with the mats and program the car to drive across the floor. We had a fabulous time and showed great teamwork! 

Miss Whitmore

Nursery Manager

Categories: Nursery

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