Results of School Teaching and Learning Parent Survey

Posted: 13th May 2024

Our 2023/24 Teaching & Learning Parent Survey results are in!

Strengths of Edenhurst Preparatory School

The majority of parents within our Edenhurst community express high levels of overall satisfaction.  In line with previous surveys, key strengths of the school are identified as: the small, nurturing family feel, the school’s ability to identify and nurture each child’s strengths and interests, the opportunities on offer and approachability and communication with school staff.

The survey highlighted the following strengths:

  • Children’s enjoyment of learning
  • Improvements to communications with parents around preparation for senior school
  • Improvements to reporting on pupils’ performance and progress 

The following table lists the questions which scored most highly:

Question % who graded strongly agree or agree
My child enjoys coming to school and learns in a safe environment 100%
The school is secure and welcoming, and safeguards my child effectively 95%
My child enjoys learning 100%
The range of subjects, including any online learning, is suitable for my child 96%
My child is prepared well for life in senior school (up to Y6) 100%
The school actively promotes values of democracy, respect and tolerance of other people 100%
The school is governed, led and managed effectively 95%
The school discusses concerns with me about my child as they emerge 100%
I can communicate easily with the school and receive timely responses to my questions 95%
The school encourages me to be involved in its life and work 100%

We are grateful to all parents who took the time to respond in our recent parent survey. Your valuable responses play an integral role in shaping the future of our school, helping us to create an even better environment for our children and enhancing the continuous communication we have with you. 

Categories: School Blogs

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