Fair Play

Posted: 20th May 2022

When the rules aren’t applied consistently or when people behave in such a way that leaves me feeling unjustly treated, I get annoyed. I see the same in our children in the playground and around school. Treating people fairly has always been important to me. I do my very best to apply this in all of my interactions, including those with children, their families, the people I work with and even my competitors. This has always served me well. 

Where does this sense of fairplay come from? For me, it started with my mum. She lived this, daily. Her whole life was dedicated to putting the needs of others before her own. Sometimes, this made me angry because I watched her go without while others around her seemed to benefit at her expense. It felt to me that sometimes people took advantage of her wonderful nature. In conversation with her about this, she would always refer to her deep Christian faith and the example Jesus set. She would always speak about the importance of turning the other cheek. Looking back, she was a fantastic role model and shaped my life immeasurably – more than I ever would have imagined and admitted at the time. She was a very powerful woman and an excellent role model. 

Playing sports all my life has reinforced these lessons. Many coaches, teachers and teammates have helped shape this belief in me. Anyone involved in sport knows that ‘Cheaters never prosper’. Yes, they may gain an advantage in the short term, but ultimately they will lose out. If not in the result, then definitely in the experience. Losing well is better than winning badly.

We at Edenhurst develop this in the children who come here. Our wonderful staff are fantastic role models and demonstrate this daily. Children are listened to and treated fairly. Our actions speak louder than words and I see the adults at Edenhurst put the needs of children before their own on a daily basis. This makes me so proud and so grateful to be associated with this school. This selfless attitude was never more evident than during the pandemic and the fact that the spotlight was shone upon this was one of many positives to come of this awful time. We outshone all of our rivals because of this. We did more than any other school I know of because we care for the children who come here and put them first.

So, playing fairly, treating others well is not a form of weakness. It is a strength, a real strength. At Edenhurst, we will continue to do so, despite the behaviour of others and maybe because of the behaviour of others. We will proudly role-model this to our children because it is so important and they will continue to thrive because of it. Wherever their destination lies, they will go there with a sense of fair play, and as better human beings and they will shine! Our values of Honesty, Courtesy, Respect and Endeavour will guarantee their success.




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