The Year Ahead – by Mr. Hibbert

Posted: 1st October 2020

The year ahead – A Covid-ignoring blog by Mr. Hibbert!


Believe it or not, I spend a lot of time thinking about Edenhurst. A lot of that time is spent reflecting on what is going well and what could be better. I am always struck by how special this place is and how much it means to all who are involved in it. This starts at the very top with our Bellevue head office, the wonderful team of people who work here, our parents and most importantly, our children.


Over the summer holidays I was talking to some of the Edventurers and they obviously love this place! So much so, that even our Year 6 leavers want to come back. I don’t know about you but when I was at school, the last place I wanted to be during the holidays was school. Our children do not feel that way. They want to come here and that speaks volumes about the school. This was even more evident this year when we all returned after Lockdown.


As a staff, we are constantly working to improve. To complement our now established work on Growth Mindset, this year we will be focussing on Character and what makes the Edenhurst children so special. We do a lot well already but my hope is that we will understand this better, build upon it and take it to another level. 


What is Character? 

I quote from Angela Lee Duckworth’s website: ‘Character refers to ways of thinking, acting, and feeling that benefit others as well as ourselves. Character is plural—encompassing strengths of heart, mind, and will. Strengths of heart (such as gratitude and kindness) enable harmonious relationships with other people. Strengths of mind (such as curiosity and creativity) enable independent thinking. Strengths of will (such as grit and self-control) enable us to achieve goals.’


This link on ‘grit’ is one of the avenues that we will be exploring. Please watch it and feel free to share your thoughts.

Categories: School Blogs

Why Edenhurst?

Why Edenhurst?